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Registration Procedures

Does anyone currently register? Anyone know? Did you know that if you officiate a game and are not registered, the home team can be fined and you are not covered under ORA's insurance policy?

Every official must fill out a registration form and choose one of the following two methods of submittal.

  1. If you are registering as an independent official - fill out the registration form, enclose a cheque for the appropriate fee and mail it in to ORA office. Once you receive verification of payment, you are considered registered.

  2. If you are registering as in official within an association - fill out the form and submit it to your local association registrar. The method of payment will be determined by the local association. The local association will send the form and payment to ORA office. Once the office receives the appropriate form and fee you will be considered registered.

Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that you are properly registered prior to the September 15 deadline date. ONLY REGISTER ONCE.

Registration fees for the 2010-2011 season are:

  • Registering solely as an official $28.00
  • Registering as an official and a coach or player $23.00

Registration fees include administration and insurance fees which only need to be paid to ORA once. If you register as a player or coach, these fees are included in your local fees, therefore, you do not have to pay them when registering as an official.

All officials in the Province of Ontario that are 18 years of age or over must provide a valid police record check to your local RIC or to the O.R.A. office prior to November 15th. These checks will be valid for a period of 3 years.

Click here to download the Registration Form which can be completed and mailed to the ORA office